Hsu Yi-Ting - Getting Closer 

許懿婷《在靠近的過程 》

Hsu Yi-Ting 許懿婷

Gladys Lin Projects Space 榮幸地宣佈將於 5 月 7 日推出《在靠近的過程-許懿婷個 展》。本檔展覽聚焦藝術家自 2018 年以來累積的繪畫創作,為藝術家首檔正式 發表繪畫作品的個展,創作據點經歷福岡、布拉格到台北。此展也作為本項目 空間於後疫情下再啟動的一個序幕。 

繪畫之於許懿婷有流於日常的必要性,亦近似札記式的生活書寫,記錄其內在 感知到的環境、物質和情緒流動軌跡,曾關注過許懿婷行為表演的藝術愛好者 不免思索這些畫作和藝術家過往一場場行為演出的連結,是否透過畫筆得以複 印出其行為過程和內在活動,如藝術家本人道:「在記載移動過程中不斷靠近 行動核心的過程。」那麼,觀者又得以靠近了什麼?我們作為旁觀者可以探知 到行動者哪一類型的行動核心? 

Gladys Lin Projects Space is proud to announce the launch of Getting Closer - Hsu Yiting  Solo Exhibition on May 7. This exhibition gathers paintings the artist created since  2018. It marks the first solo exhibition by the artist only displaying paintings, including  both works on paper and canvas. These paintings were created across a variety of  locations, from Fukuoka to Prague to Taipei. The exhibition also serves as a prelude to  the post-pandemic re-launch of the project space. 

For Hsu Yiting, painting has become a daily routine, similar to her narrative of life in  the journal, as she documents the flow of the environment, materials, and emotions  she perceives. The viewers who have been following Hsu’s performances cannot help  but wonder how these paintings connect to her past performances, and whether the  action processes and inward activities behind them can be properly reproduced  through a brush. For example, the artist herself said: "The core action is continuously  approached in the process of recording the movement." Then, what can viewers  approach? As spectators, what type of core action can we detect in the actors? 

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Boundary Overture #03, 2021 Acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 97 cm

Boundary Overture #04, 2021 Acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 97 cm

Boundary Overture #09, 2021 Acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 97 cm

Boundary Overture #08, 2021 Acrylic on canvas 100.5 x 80.2 cm

Boundary Overture #01, 2020 Acrylic on canvas 100.5 x 80.2 cm

Floating Body, 2020 Acrylic on paper Paper:39 x 27 cm Framed:43 x 31 cm

Business, 2020 Acrylic on paper Paper:39 x 27 cm Framed:43 x 31 cm

Pillar, 2020 Acrylic on paper Paper:39 x 27 cm Framed:43 x 31 cm

Siege, 2020 Acrylic on paper Paper:39 x 27 cm Framed:43 x 31 cm

Above the house, 2020 Acrylic on paper Paper:39 x 27 cm Framed:43 x 31 cm

Walking on the ice, 2019 Watercolor / charcoal pencil / pencil on paper Paper:18 x 13 cm Framed:29.5 x 21.5 cm

If weather goes bad, 2019 Photographic paper / Watercolor / colored pencil on paper Paper:18 x 13 cm Framed:29.5 x 21.5 cm

Shadow of humidity, 2019 Watercolor / charcoal pencil / pencil on paper Paper:18 x 13 cm Framed:29.5 x 21.5 cm

Wind mix ocean, 2019 Watercolor / charcoal pencil / pencil on paper Paper:18 x 13 cm Framed:29.5 x 21.5 cm

Pebbles on the ground, 2019 Watercolor / colored pencil on paper Paper:18 x 13 cm Framed:29.5 x 21.5 cm